55 Word Short Stories


Wake up at 8:00am. Brush my teeth change my clothes and head out the door. Go to work, have lunch, go back to work. Leave work at 5:00pm and in my car by 5:01pm. Get home, make dinner and watch a show. Go to bed, contemplating if there's more to this life?

I wish I

I wish I said I loved you more. I wish I was there for you when you needed me. I wish I could solve all of your problems with the snap of my fingers. I wish I could turn back time to see you. I wish I could protect you. I wish I wasn’t dead.

Blood Bar

It was a cold dark night in a small town upstate, expect for this one poorly lit diner. Bill was working the night shift alone when three strange looking men walked in. They had pale faces and fangs so sharp they punctured the air.

“What will it be gentlemen”

“Pitcher of blood”

“That’ll be $8.50”


It was a curious one. Always trying to find a way in, but once it got in, it would always try to find a way out. What was the reason of getting in? Did it feel some sort of accomplishment? Did it have a purpose? Maybe we’ll never know. Maybe we’re not supposed to know.

Code Red

System failure. All life support critical. Evacuation protocols engaged.

“Fuck, we have to get outta here, this place is gonna explode!”

“We’re trapped! What are we supposed to do?”

“There’s gotta be a manual override in here somewhere.”

“No time for that, I’m shooting the door down, stand back”

“Don’t shoot!, There’s explosives behind the…”


“Come on Clark, we’re not that far.”

“How much longer? I’m tired of walking”

“Just past that river… can you see it?”

“Barely, it’s too bright out here. What is it Frank?”

“Let’s get a closer look”

As they approached the river, they saw bald, lengthy beings with oval heads.

They realized, they’re not alone.

Short Stories


My poppy and I never really had any serious talks, but we were still close. We had inside jokes about everyone in our family and we would laugh to ourselves while everyone was doing their thing. I always looked forward to poppy coming over for dinner or surprise visits but especially for my birthday, he was a master of gifts. On my 16th birthday, my poppy took me on a trip to London. I was so excited I kept thinking, “this is going to be the best trip ever”, and it was. When we got there he wanted to show me around so he brought me to the Buckingham Palace, the London Eye, Big Ben, he showed me all the touristy spots. When it got dark we went to a local pub near our hotel. We sat down at the bar and my poppy asked me if I’ve ever had a beer before. I told him yes and he said let’s pretend you haven’t. We laughed, then he ordered us both a beer. While we were waiting for the beers we kinda just sat in silence, looking around at everybody, sometimes glancing at each other and smiling but no talking. The bartender came and gave us our drinks, we cheered each other and took a big gulp. We started talking, laughing, having a blast. Then he said, this, this right here Ian, means everything to me. I said, the beer? We chuckled then he said no, spending time with you, spending time with family means everything to me. I cherish these moments, you’ll learn when you grow up that family is the most important thing a person can have.” I was a little dismissive and said yeah I know family’s important, but I didn’t understand the full depth to what he meant at the time. I wish I did. After we each had our fair share of beers, we walked around the city a little bit, goofing off, then headed back to the hotel. After our trip ended, we went back to our normal routine of poppy coming over some nights for dinner and everything was the same, he was happy, always smiling, cracking inside jokes with me. After a year passed, we got a call that he was in the hospital. So we all rushed there and the doctor said he had a cancer that already spread throughout his whole body and had only a short time left. We each said our goodbyes and when I went up to him, he took my hand and pulled me in closer. Don’t be sad he said, this is life, we come and go, but family stays. You will always have family. Your sister, your parents, and one day you’ll have kids and grandkids of your own. Never take them for granted. He died a few days later in his sleep. I keep reminiscing about my time in London with poppy, but the more I think about it, it’s mostly about my poppy and less of what we did in London.

Man in the Park

Frank always wanted to be an investment banker like his father. Luckily for him he got a job right out of college at a well known investment banking firm in New York City. His father told him to be involved and learn the ropes of the business as much as possible because that’s how you improve. So everyday, Frank would go into work and try to talk to everyone by asking questions and learning more about the business. During lunch, Frank would walk down a couple blocks to this small park with some benches. He would eat his food, he made earlier that morning, while thinking about the rest of the day and what he had to do. Every lunch, while Frank was deep in thought, a man, who had worn out jeans, a white tee shirt and flip-flops, would sit down on the bench next to him and annoy him by trying to start a conversation about business. Frank was dismissive to the man and only replied with short answers. The man would ask him questions about his job, what he liked to do, and would offer advise on life and business. Frank thought the man was crazy and dismissed everything he said. Despite the man being a nuisance to Frank, he still went to the park for lunch everyday. At Franks three month mark, it was time for his quarterly review so he started preparing to talk about what he’s done so far and any questions he had. In the week leading up to Franks review, the man in the park began asking him about financial investments. The man would ask what he should invest in, what were some good stocks, and what Frank would do if he were to invest his own money. Frank didn’t bother to give any advice or even listen because he knew the man didn’t know what he was talking about.

On the day of Franks review, his boss told him that the owner of the company would be joining them. Frank was excited but also nervous because he wanted to impress the owner and show that he’s the right person for this job. When the owner walked in, Franks jaw drops. The owner was the man from the park, but instead of wearing worn out jeans, a tee shirt and flip-flops, he had a suit and tie on. Frank didn’t know what to say, he was in shock. The owner said, “Oh, I know you. I’ve had my eye on you.” Frank started apologizing for his rude behavior but the man interrupted him and said, “No need to apologize, I’m not going to fire you, but I do hope you learned something out of this.” Frank replied, “Yes, I have and thank you so much.” Once the review was over, Frank thanked his boss and the owner and walked to the door. Before Frank opened it, the owner said, “Oh, and Frank… See you tomorrow for lunch.”
