Smart and Stoner

(TV Pilot)

This is a journey of two college roommates, Smart and Stoner, that move to NYC with the dream of selling an energy drink they’ve invented. They’re in need of investors and fortunately for them, Shark Tank is holding auditions. They face challenging obstacles but in the end, Smart and Stoner beat the odds and get a deal.

  • Act 1

Stage 1: Setup

2 Roommates in ivy league college.

HGS #1)

Last names Smart and Stoner, best friends, seniors in college.

Smart does well in school, but needs to do better. He’s always wanted to be an entrepreneur. Motivated.

Stoner does really well in school. His parents are out of the picture. He loves to smoke weed, of course, and play videos games, very lazy and unmotivated. He likes to invent things when it’s only convenient for him.

They crack jokes, get along, nothing to hate from these characters.

They don’t have outside support so they support each other.

HGS #2)

Smart needs to prove to his parents that he’s not the failure they think he is.

We don’t see any emotional pain from Stoner because he always seems relaxed and has no care in the world.

Turning Point #1-Opportunity/HGS#3:

One night playing video games in their dorm, Stoner accidentally makes an energy drink by mixing a bunch of stuff together. He thought it was nothing special until Smart tried it and thought it was the next best thing. Smart and Stoner made a pact that they were going to get this energy drink on the market no matter what. They’ve never worked on anything together before.


We meet the drug dealer who sells to Stoner. They are good friends, known each other since freshmen year.

We meet Smarts parents when they come to visit. Smart shows the idea of the energy drink and parents don’t believe in him. Thinks he’s going to fail again as usual.


They make a pact to get this energy drink in the market. Smart needs to prove his parents wrong and Stoner is just going along with it.

Fast-forward they graduate from college and move to New York City together.

Stage 2: New Situation

After college they moved into a shitty apartment in New York City together and keep trying to make this energy drink a thing by going to different investors and local markets, but nothing’s really working out for them.

They get into some local markets but that’s about it.

They don’t have a lot of money to put into the expansion of the product so they need help.

Smart has a part time business job that he hates but it pays the bills for now.

Stoner sells weed in order to pay the bills.

Turning Point #2-Change of Plans/HGS#6: They see on TV that Shark Tank is holding auditions in New York City for only a month. They think this is their chance. So now they have to perfect the drink and design to get the sharks interested in 30 days.

  • Act 2

Stage 3: Progress/HGS#7

Smart takes this opportunity very seriously and quits his part-time job to be fully focused on perfecting this energy drink.

Stoners mood doesn’t really change after he hears the news and continues playing his video games and smoking. We see tension starting to rise.

Parents and friends aren’t supportive of the drink and think it’s a waste of time.

Only people they know that tried and liked the drink are themselves and the drug dealer.


Smarts pretty much doing all the work but he can’t perfect the drink and needs Stoners help.

Smarts annoyed at Stoner for being lazy and high all the time/not doing any of the work, but shrugs it off.


Scene shows Smart working extremely hard on the energy drink.

We see Stoner doing his own thing, either selling, playing video games, or hanging out with drug dealer.

Stoner is barley home since they started bickering over working on the drink.


Stoner finally gets back home and Smart gets angry with him but not too angry.

Stoner shrugs it off.


Both sitting at the table, Smart is working on the design while Stoner is faking like he’s working.

After a week or 2 of working on the drink.

Turning Point #3-Point of No Return/HGS#12:

Shark Tank announces that they will give an extra 100k to any company/product that successful gets a shark to invest.


It was announced that the founder of the largest beverage company is going to be one of the sharks and is looking to invest in a new energy drink.


Smart goes crazy after hearing this news and thinks to himself that this is the chance to get this energy drink on the market.

Stage 4: Complications & Higher Stakes/HGS#14

Smarts working extra hard now. Not leaving the house, barely eating, just working.

Stoner still not doing any work, just giving his opinions on Smarts work and Smart is getting pissed

Times running out, they only have 2 weeks left now.


Smart finishes the design and everything but just needs to perfect the actual drink and only Stoner can do that.


They go to the pre-audition and pitch their product to the people that run the show, not the sharks (It’s unfinished so they just pitch the idea and design).

Stoner fucks up and forgot his lines, so he does improv and makes things much worse.

Smart gets pissed, right after pre-audition he yells at Stoner calling him a fuck-up and everything. Stoner gets pissed at Smart for yelling at him, Stoner says it’s not his fault.


After the pre-audition, Smart and Stoner head back home. They still need to finish the actual drink so Smart asks for Stoners help, because Stoner is the only one who can actually finish the drink.

He asks for his help and Stoner says “I”ll do it later” — This triggers the big fight.

Turning Point #4-Major Setback/HGS#18:

After a huge fight, Smart moves in with his parents and Stoner moves in with his drug dealer. Smart gives up and stops working on the drink. Smarts parents saying “I told you so”.

  • Act 3

Stage 5: Final Push/HGS#19

Smart gets his part time job back and starts saving his money while living with his family.

Stoner moves in with drug dealer, trashed apartment.


Shark Tank calls Stoners phone and wants him and Smart to come in for a callback.

Stoners really excited but starts to see that he made a huge mistake.

Wants so surprise Smart with the news and the finished product.

Stoner works day and night for a couple days in order to perfect the drink.

Stoner knocks on Smarts parents door and Smart answers. Stoner shows the finished product and says that they got a callback. Stoner apologizes and they make amends right then and there. There’s only one more day left so now’s their chance.

Turning Point 5-Climax/HGS#21:

They Confront the sharks with their new energy drink. All the sharks try it and love it. They all make outstanding offers.

Stage 6: Aftermath/HGS#22-23

End’s with Smart and Stoner looking at each other, smile, then looking back at the sharks and say “We’ll go with…” cut to black.