Taste the Culture (UK)

Idea: To increase interest in non-english content on Netflix, the first round of drinks is on Netflix! After watching any eligible non-english content on Netflix a QR code will appear on the screen. Scan the QR code and receive a digital voucher. Find a nearby Netflix sponsered pub in the UK, show the bartender your voucher and claim your free pint of beer.

Landing Page:

This rounds on Netflix! Watch any eligible non-English language film/show to earn a free pint of beer. Once you’ve experienced the culture, taste the culture.

Pub Activation:



People love to share their drinks on social media, espcially when they’re free. Share your free pint of beer on soical using the hastag #TASTETHECULTURE to get the chance to be featured on Netflix’s social channels and win membership promos for free Netflix in the future.